At AIDGLOBAL, since our foundation, we have been committed to monitoring our interventions in order to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of our actions, with the aim of improving our work and achieving greater impact. The results we achieve are shared with everyone involved in our projects and initiatives and reported to our stakeholders: partners, funders, supporters and beneficiaries, because we consider transparency to be central to our success.


3,686 hours of training and awareness raising actions in Education for Development and Global Citizenship.
11,000 students, children and youth informed about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), Human Rights and other Global Citizenship themes.
1,000 educators, municipal technicians, and other specialists trained to promote Global Citizenship topics such as Human Rights, Global Inequalities, and Ecological Crises.
37 publications made available – 16 pedagogical resources elaborated, 18 scientific papers published and 3 positioning documents published at European level.

We raised awareness among children and young people from 100 Portuguese schools about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Human Rights, and other Global Citizenship topics.


70, 000 books collected in Portugal and selected to equip schools and municipal libraries in Mozambique.
32 equipped libraries – 3 municipalities (Chibuto, Xai-Xai and Chokwe) and 29 schools (11 bibliotchovas, 10 reading cases and 6 in buildings).
917 teachers, alongside technicians, trained in library activities.
68,000 students with access to books in school libraries and beneficiaries from 165 reading animation sessions held in schools.
Six Community Preschools established with the following infrastructures: a shelter, a small house, and a latrine. The respective Community Management Councils were trained to oversee these facilities.
Since 2021, 824 children have gained access to Preschool Education through a bilingual early childhood education model supported by locally developed teaching resources.
To carry out our work, we have the support of national and international organizations that, like us, also believe that change happens through education. 

Our history


Founding AIDGLOBAL on November 4.


1st funded project “Dynamization of the Social Network of Vale de Alcântara and Training of the 3rd Sector”.


“Educate to Cooperate” project kicks off at Casa Pia in Lisbon.


The project “Today the Children, Tomorrow the World” begins, co-financed by Instituto Camões.

AIDGLOBAL starts as a training entity at INDIE – Inclusion and Diversity in Education.

Shipping of the 1st Solidarity Container to Mozambique.


Starts the 1st edition of the “Educate to Cooperate” project in Loures.

Inauguration of the Mozambican delegation and official recognition by the Mozambican Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

11 volunteers leave for Mozambique under the “Nyumba-Kaya is the World” project.


Beginning of the project “MOVA – Organized Movement for Volunteering and Associations” and the foundation of MUDAJTI – United Members of the Youth Association All for Equality.

Beginning of the “Women of Chimundo United for Work and Health” project, financed by the Canadian Fund for Local Initiatives.


Birth of the Chibuto District School Library Network.

2nd edition of the “Educate to Cooperate – Loures” project dedicated to the Millennium Development Goals.


Participation in “Youth in Action Program” based on Non-Formal Education.

1st edition of Reading Animation to promote literacy in the Chibuto district.


Start of the European project “Facilitating Global Learning/Awakening to Global Education”.

3rd edition of the “Educate to Cooperate” project in Loures.


2nd edition of Reading Animation with students from schools in the Chibuto District School Library Network.

Sending the Solidarity Container to the Chokwé Municipal Library (Mozambique).


New edition of the project “Educate to Cooperate – the Historical Route of the Lines of Torres Vedras and Global Citizenship”. Production of the pedagogical resource “Soldier’s Backpack – from War to Peace”.

We promote “Mathematics and Global Citizenship” training that involved more than 100 Mozambican teachers and 10 schools.


Starts “Youth in Politics – Participating for Global Citizenship” to promote youth voting.

Partnership with Monte under the “Education for Glocal Issues” project to promote Global Citizenship in public libraries.

3rd edition of “Reading Animation” with 3,000 students from schools in the Chibuto District School Library Network.


Start of the European project “Urbagri4Women” in the area of social inclusion to train migrant women for their social integration.

GVETS begins – an online training platform using gamification to work with migrant and refugee children.

4th edition of “Reading Animation” with the support of Associação Ser Mais Valia.


Start of the European “Walk the Global Walk” project with 11 partner countries.

New edition of “Educate to Cooperate – Porto Santo and Madeira”.

We join the international team of “Connecting Worlds” to carry out the 16th edition of this project.

AIDGLOBAL is a trainer on topics such as migration and education for development in the “Amitie Code” and “Networks for Development” projects.


“From School to the World – Act, Include, Transform” starts in Porto Santo.

“Educators in Motion – for Itinerant Early Childhood Education” project begins in Mozambique.


Launching of the AIDGLOBAL Hymn “Para quem depois vier”.

Start of the project “Porto Santo Without Marine Waste“ which wants to protect marine life.

Start of the 2nd Edition of the project “Youth in Politics – Participate for Global Citizenship” dedicated to Human Rights and Sustainable Development Goals.

Sending the 5th Container with more than 35 thousand books and school material to Mozambique.


Beginning of the European project “Near – NEwly ARrived in a common home”, which aims to foster the process of inclusion of recently arrived migrants.

Start of the European project “Beyond COVID-19”, which aims to provide an answer to the challenges of a digital society.

The project “PAB_LivingLab – Vive a descarbonização no Parque Adão Barata” was born, which aims to reduce the carbon intensity of the activities and services of Parque Adão Barata (PAB), in Loures.


In the area of Climate Change, the Organization welcomed the new European project “(e)mission (im)possible”, which aims to develop an innovative approach to climate neutrality in the Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid sectors.

In the Autonomous Region of Madeira, the project “Dialogar e Agir por + Igualdade na R.A.M.” began, addressing the issues of Poverty and Domestic Violence, reinforcing AIDGLOBAL's capacity building at an organizational level.

As a result of good results and strategic partnerships, the Organization invested in the “Escola Comunitária para a Empregabilidade e o Voluntariado” project, focused on promoting employability and volunteering on the island of Porto Santo.

In Mozambique, through the “Passporte para a Leitura” program, the 28th School Library in the Chibuto District School Library Network was inaugurated.

Finally, the 4-year project “Educadores em Movimento - Uma Educação Itinerante para a Primeira Infância”, Phase 1, resulted in the creation of 5 community schools in the Chibuto district and the training of women to act as “Educators in Motion”. In this context, the “Livros para Começar” collection was created, with four bilingual children's books already designed and published in Portuguese and Changana.

The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and the Portuguese NGDO Platform launched the “PairUp!” pilot project, in which AIDGLOBAL participated, in the areas of communication, evaluation and impact, advocacy strategies, administrative and financial management, human resources management, project management, capacity building, technology and data management, and fundraising. This program consisted of an international learning visit, in this case to Mozambique, in order to promote observation and the exchange of experiences between professionals from different areas of work, which would be defined according to pre-agreed proposals in the program.  


The Organization's latest project - “Re:Thinking Global!” - has kicked off. which aims to raise public awareness of environmental issues and the fight against climate change through the creation of educational materials, and to promote a socio-ecological transformation in Education for Sustainable Development and Global Learning in Europe.

In Mozambique, as part of AIDGLOBAL's largest and longest-running program, “Passport to Reading” (since 2008), the 7th Meeting of Directors and Teachers of the Chibuto District School Library Network was held. During this meeting, an unlikely partnership was created between the Mozambican Black Bulls Association (soccer) and AIDGLOBAL, with the aim of increasing access to quality education through sport.

In addition, 2023 marked the start of the 2nd Edition of the “Educadores em Movimento - Uma Educação Itinerante para a Primeira Infância - Fase 2” project, funded by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. This project aims to strengthen Itinerant Early Childhood Education (EII) services in five communities, improving educational quality, school administration and supervision. It will also continue to train and support women from the communities to work as Animators/“Educators in Motion”.