The “ECOALITY” Guide is part of the concept of Global Education and, using an inclusive and transformative approach based on Human Rights, allows us to understand how Inequalities between Women and Men and Climate Injustices intersect and to learn in depth about the common values at the heart of these issues. The innovative and interactive document is designed to support teachers, educators and young people from volunteer groups and associations.
The Pedagogical Kit - Live Decarbonization from the "PAB_LivingLab" project is structured into 7 packages with challenges and proposed activities for working on the theme of decarbonization. The aim is to make students aware of the importance of trees in urban green spaces, to show them some of the species planted in the Adão Barata Park (PAB) and to share the innovative interventions made in the PAB in the fields of mobility, circular economy and environment, buildings and energy. The kit is available to teachers from schools in the Municipality of Loures who have decided to embrace the project.
The resource arose from the need identified by organizations promoting ongoing teacher training in the areas of Migration, Development Education, Interculturality and Discrimination and from the recognition of the specificities of these themes, which include not only the acquisition of knowledge by teachers, but also the development of intercultural skills.
The Guide is a resource aimed at teachers of various educational levels to work with their students on issues of respect and tolerance for cultural diversity and the encounter of cultures and peoples, based on a critical reflection on the History of Portugal in the 15th and 16th centuries.
It is a Manual to support teachers of 3rd cycle and secondary education to work on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular number 16. It includes pedagogical proposals on Peace and Justice (social, economic and climate), in addition to promoting reflection on the importance of having effective and responsible institutions.
It is a Manual to support teachers that participate in the scope of the second year of the project “Walk the Global Walk”. It contains fundamental information about the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly the goal number 13 (Climate Action), as well as 6 session plans to be developed in classrooms or in any other educational context.
It is a simple and accessible tool which is aimed at teachers (2nd and 3rd cycle teachers and secondary education) who want to incorporate the themes and methods of Education for Global Citizenship in the discipline they teach. The Guide focuses in particular on SDG 11: making cities and communities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
In the context of the “Education for Glocal Issues – Global Libraries” project, this portfolio was developed containing 5 plans of complete teaching units. These correspond to some of the sessions that have been held addressing different themes of development with the objective of giving tools to be used by teachers in both basic and secondary education and/or by other agents.
The didactic-pedagogical resource “Soldier’s Backpack – Leaving the War for Peace” was created within the scope of the project “Educating to Cooperate: the Historical Route of the Lines of Torres Vedras and Global Citizenship”. It is openly accessible for teachers, educators and heritage professionals who wish to contribute to a more just, equitable and sustainable societies.
The “Global How? Awakening to Global Education – Trainer’s Manual” was launched in 2016 in the course of the international project “Awakening to Global Education”. It is supported by the European Commission and Camões, IP., operating in Civil Society Organizations, which aim to develop courses for multiplying agents. See the manual here.
As a result of the project “Educate to Cooperate – Loures (III Edition)”, AIDGLOBAL launched the “Education Manual for Global Citizenship” which is aimed at educators and teachers of the 2nd and 3rd cycles. It includes a set of didactic unit plans designed to integrate the themes of Education for Global Citizenship in the official curricular contents. See the manual here.
The “Educate to Cooperate” Website allows to search for teaching units related to the 2nd and 3rd cycles around the theme of Education for Global Citizenship which is the discipline or the school year. See the Website here.
Online training course for social professionals who work with migrant children. In this platform there are several modules, such as “Protection of migrant children”, “Working with migrant children at risk”, “Critical and constructive practice in social work”, “Crisis management with migrant children” and “Civic education and professional guidance for minors with a migratory background”. All modules are in English with the exception of the last 2 which are translated into Portuguese. Log in, here.
“Thinking of the World” includes Education for Development activities aimed at educators and teachers of the 1st cycle for use in a pedagogical context. This didactic material was developed in the field of action of the project “Today the Children, Tomorrow the World”. See the activities “Thinking of the World” for the 1st cycle here.
Education for Development activities aimed at educators and teachers of the 2nd cycle to be used in a pedagogical context. See the activities “Thinking of the World” for the 2nd cycle here.
Pedagogical Kit “The World in Us” (2010)
Composed of 6 notebooks and a map, this educational kit is intended for student in pre-school and the 1st cycle.

Positioning Documents – AIDGLOBAL

Document produced by young people, teachers and representatives of local authorities from 11 countries participating in the 1st International Summer School of the project “Walk the Global Walk”. The Manifesto consists of a set of recommendations, the result of reflection and sharing developed at the international event, incident to the goals that constitute Sustainable Development Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities.
This Green Paper presents proposals for urban agriculture activities to be developed at the municipal level as a way of promoting the integration of migrant women in the host society.
This Policy Paper was presented to the Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs and Education and lists several recommendations on social responsibility strategies addressed to JP leaderships, to the Government, party and parliamentary directorates, and the civil society.


1º Recurso | Toolkit da Estratégia Climática
Toolkit da Estratégia Climática (Climate Strategy Toolkit), produzido no âmbito do projeto “(e)mission (im)possible”, contém instrumentos essenciais para calcular e reduzir as emissões de carbono, contribuindo para a elaboração de estratégias eficazes para liderar a Ação Climática, no sector das ONGD. Os anexos I e III pretendem ser ferramentas de cálculo, um apoio prático e indispensável para as Organizações do Terceiro Sector. Os restantes permitem apoiá-la/o na implementação de uma Estratégia Climática na sua Organização. Todos os anexos estão disponíveis aqui.
2º Recurso | Implementar uma Estratégia Climática - um Guia para o sector da Cooperação para o Desenvolvimento e da Ajuda Humanitária

Recurso “Implementar uma Estratégia Climática — um Guia para o sector da Cooperação para o Desenvolvimento e da Ajuda Humanitária”, foi concebido como guia orientador para replicar e adaptar as propostas formativas, no âmbito da Ação Climática, desenvolvidas no decurso do projeto.

This Study aims to characterize and understand the reasons/factors that lead students at the University of Madeira to drop out of higher education, focusing on socio-economic reasons/factors. It also aims to understand how effective national, regional and local public policies are in preventing and combating it, with a view to producing recommendations for changing/improving public policies and increasing awareness of the problem on the part of all those involved. 
Study N.º 6 - The urgency of reading the world: Global Citizenship (2023)
The study aims to provide a current view of Global Citizenship Education (GCE), critically reflecting on its role in the socio-cultural and economic development of societies. It is a dynamic concept that has evolved in line with the transformations of societies and the struggle of different peoples and social groups for freedoms, rights and autonomy, as well as promoting inclusive, equitable and quality education..
Study N.º 5 - The urgency of reading the world: Development (2023)
The study aims to (re)visit what we understand by development, what contents and meanings characterize it and how it defines the identity of the educational approach: ED - Development Education. It is also divided into Development Cooperation and Humanitarian and Emergency Aid.
Study N.º 4 - The urgency of reading the world: Interdependencies and Globalization (2023)
The study starts from the perspective that the acceleration of the globalization phenomenon presses for an urgent need to incorporate the principle of interdependence as a literacy tool for everyone, now and in the future. An (In)Formative Sheet was drawn up to accompany the study.
Study N.º 3 - The urgency of reading the world: Peace (2023)
The study reflects the path of the EDCG and is made available to citizens who seek to go beyond everyday reflections that make us question what role each of us has in society and in the world.To complement the study, an (In)Formative Sheet and an Infographic were produced.
Study N.º 2 - The urgency of reading the world: Social Justice (2023)
The study he study invites us to reflect on our preconceived realities, takes us to places of discomfort and challenges us to exercise a more active, critical and inclusive Global Citizenship, through the eyes of the EDGC Barometer for Social Justice. To complement the study, an (In)Formative Sheet and an Infographic were produced, as well as a video which gives insight into the issues surrounding the theme, when we apply the lens of EDCG.
Study N.º 1 - The urgency of reading the world: Poverty and Inequalities (2022)
With the aim of increasing the visibility and recognition of Development Education and Global Citizenship (EDCG), the study delves into the themes of Poverty and Inequalities in order to mobilize citizens to act for human and sustainable development. To complement the study, an (In)Formative Sheet and an Infographic were produced, as well as a video that leads us to question the meaning of the themes.
The study aims at surveying and understanding the current reality in relation to the social and political participation of young people in Portugal. In addition to the general focus on their involvement in organisations of a social and political nature – political parties and their respective party youth (when they exist), Student Associations (of Higher Education) and other Civic Associations. This work is also directed around concepts such as Global Citizenship, Development Education and Portuguese Cooperation.
Study of the needs analysis of educational innovation and the development of digital skills in school curricula in the era COVID-19 and post-COVID-19 era
The study aims to contribute to the innovation of European teachers’ professional practices, competences and knowledge through needs analysis around educational innovation and digital skills development in the context of school curricula in the COVID-19 and post-COVID-19 phase. Find out about the european study and the national study.
The SDG Learning Guide is developed within the framework of the “Walk the Global Walk” and provides students with the transversal skills to be developed to become active citizens. This resource is used in schools by teachers and students.
The SDG Learning Guide is developed within the framework of the “Walk the Global Walk” and provides students with the transversal skills to be developed to become active citizens. This resource is used in schools by teachers and students.
The SDG Learning Guide is developed within the framework of the “Walk the Global Walk” and provides students with the transversal skills to be developed to become active citizens. This resource is used in schools by teachers and students.
The Study “PSYCHOMOTOR DEVELOPMENT OF MOZAMBIQUE CHILDREN OF PRE-SCHOOL AGE IN RURAL ENVIRONMENT, WITH FOCUS ON CHIBUTO: A Narrative Literature Review” was conducted with the aim of understanding the differences in the psychomotor development of Mozambican children of pre-school age living in rural areas, particularly in Chibuto, Gaza Province.
The Study aims to raise awareness on issues related to the History of the Portuguese (Re)Discoveries, in the light of a more comprehensive and dynamic perspective that includes, in the discussion, elements related to Cooperation between Peoples and Cultures, Human Rights and Interculturality.
The GVETS project developed an International Study – Ebook – which included the analysis of the 7 countries in the consortium at a European level, regarding training opportunities, methodologies and practices aimed at professionals who work with children in a context of migration.
This diagnostic study is the responsibility of the ISCTE-IUL International Studies Center (CEI-IUL) and part of the activities foreseen in the project “Youth in Politics – Participating for Global Citizenship” which is promoted by AIDGLOBAL. Throughout the preparation of this study, AIDGLOBAL and CEI-IUL sought to consolidate knowledge regarding the Party Youth/Education for Development (ED) and Education for Global Citizenship (ECG).