AIDGLOBAL expresses its admiration and deep gratitude for
Sebastião Antunes, the author and composer of our hymn.
To the solidary artists, who gave this hymn a voice with their talent!
We thank everyone who made this video possible:
Adega Cooperativa de Borba; ARSDesign; Biblioteca Fábrica das Palavras; Câmara Municipal de Vila Franca de Xira; Escola Básica Soeiro Pereira Gomes and teacher Regina Giré; Fonte Viva – Jet Cooler Águas e Cafés, S.A.; Grupo João Portugal Ramos; Grupo Totalmédia; Helena Nabeiro; João Nabais & Associados – Sociedade de Advogados R.L.; MuseMotion – Creativestorytelling; Negócios – Artes Gráficas, Lda.; Paulo Chinai; Pedro Menezes; Simple Fruit, Lda.; START.SOCIAL.
We thank the AIDGLOBAL teams for their joy – the one in Lisbon, in the Autonomous Region of Madeira and in Chibuto, Mozambique.
And finally, we feel gratitude for the children and youth who delighted us with their participation in our anthem! It is for these reasons that AIDGLOBAL exists!