In Climate Change, Environmental Education, 2023, Portugal, Sustainability,

First Edition of the MOOC comes to an end

In March 2023, the  first edition of the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Climate Action was concluded, under the project “(E)mission (Im)possible.

Available on the Moodle platform of the University of Cádiz, from November/2022 to March/2023, with a workload of 25 hours, it was characterized by its autonomous management, in which each student was able to choose the best time to watch the video classes and study the support material.

It was developed by a consortium of  7 Organizations from Spain, Italy and Portugal that prepared the course contents and recorded the video lessons. AIDGLOBAL  was responsible for “Climate Change as an engine of Migration”, “Community strategies for action on Climate Change – participatory approaches” and  “Involvement of local actors and communities – Methods and tools”.

Available in English, Portuguese, Italian, Spanish and French, the course was attended by students, professionals in Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid, teachers, forestry engineers, doctors, lawyers, among other professionals from different sectors. It had the purpose to strengthen the key competences of staff, volunteers, students and academics in the sector, so that they become actors of change and advance climate action.

The project “(e)mission (im)possible” is a European project co-financed by the Erasmus + Program of the European Union, having as promoter entity A Sud – Ecologia e CooperazioneONLUS, and as partner entities AIDGLOBAL, Iroko – Desarrollo Forestal Sostenible, Bosque Y Comunidad, Fundazione Ecossistemi, Universidad de Cádiz and Un Ponte Per.