In 2022, AIDGLOBAL, Citizenship, Youth in Politics II, Madeira,

Funchal will host a workshop on Global Citizenship and Sustainable Development

Registration for the event “GO YOUTH — Young people active in development”, an initiative promoted by AIDGLOBAL, with the support of the Centro de Investigação em Educação da Universidade da Madeira (CIE-UMa), which will take place on November 19, between 3: 00 pm and 5: 00 pm, in the Senate Room, at the UMa Penteada Campus.

The meeting aims to raise awareness of young volunteers in Youths Party and other youth associations and young people interested in politics so that their participation in social activism is more active, in accessing and monitoring current policies and decisions, reflecting on Human Rights, with a focus on the Sustainable Development Goals.

It is imperative to increasingly recognize the role of young people as key actors in building democracy and strengthening participation in order to minimize existing challenges and work towards an inclusive, participatory and innovative society.

This session concludes a cycle of five “Go Youth” Workshops, held in different regions of the country, where Non-Formal Education dynamics have already been applied to about 100 young people, mobilizing them for a more conscious and informed political participation in contemporary issues, including Gender Equality, Climate Change and Migration.

To participate in this Workshop, register here, until November 16, 2022.

For further information, please contact Maria Pacheco (AIDGLOBAL) at the following email address: [email protected] or through mobile phone number (+351) 926 418 324.

This meeting is part of the “Jovens na Política — Participar para a Cidadania Global (2ª) Ed.”, project, promoved by AIDGLOBAL and co-financed by Camões – Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua, I.P.. This project has as partners the Conselho Nacional de Juventude (CNJ), the Federação Nacional das Associações Juvenis (FNAJ), the Dypall Network, the Centro de Estudos Internacionais – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, the Instituto Português do Desporto e Juventude (IPDJ), the Centro de Juventude de Lisboa (CJL) and the  Câmara Municipal de Santarém, and has the support of Mypolis.