In (e)mission (im)possible, 2022, Climate Change, Environmental Education, Portugal,

A day to decarbonize the third sector, Rome, Italy

On September 22nd, we concluded our event, "(e)mission (im)possible: Supporting the protagonism of international cooperation and the third sector in the fight against climate change," at the Botanical Garden in Rome, Italy.

It was the first multiplier event of our (e)mission (im)possible project, implemented through our network of 7 European NGO and university partners. The event was an opportunity to discuss the needs and limitations of the cooperative sector in countering the current climate emergency.

The event began with an opening session followed by the upcoming project activities by Lucie Greyl of A Sud Ecology and Cooperation. Lucie then introduced Fabio Attorre, Director of the Botanical Garden of Rome, who welcomed all participants.

The panel: speakers from the cooperation world

Contributions from the different perspectives of international cooperation and the third sector followed one another: representatives of various Italian NGOs and granting bodies and foundations alternated their speeches (among them: Un Ponte Per, AOI, Fairwatch, CINI, LINK2007, Concord Europe, Assifero, Charlemagne Foundation).

Outdoors, in the middle of the Botanical Garden, the coffee break gave a chance to engage in networking and getting to know each other, strengthening connections and comparing views on the topics debated during the panel.

"Decarbonizing international cooperation: how?" World Cafè 

The break was followed by the workshop "Decarbonizing international cooperation: how?" prepared by Ecosystems Foundation. During the workshop, in the format of a World Café, the participants were split into small groups to discuss together the limitations and opportunities of the sector to implement positive climate actions.

The different points of view were then reported to all participants, who, with a final farewell, left the Botanical Garden.

The next steps 

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all participants and speakers for a successful event and for being willing to challenge themselves and consolidate their motivations to counter the climate emergency.

If you want to know more about the recently concluded event, here is the detailed programme with all info, including the names of the panellists.

There are still many training and discussion activities in the project.  Upcoming updates will be send via our project newsletter.

Online Course of (e)mission (im)possible

If you have not already done so, you can pre-register for the online (e)mission (im)possible course. The course is free and will start soon. It provides development cooperation and humanitarian professionals, volunteers, students, and academics with a 25-hour training course certified with ECTS credits. Created by cooperation sector professionals and environmental and climate accounting experts, the MOOC is designed to fit with participants' professional and study activities.

Available in English, Italian, French, Spanish, and Portuguese, the course aims to provide insight and cognitive, methodological, and technical tools essential to guide a transformative process functional to reducing the sector's emissions and promoting positive climate actions. Read more about the course.

The “(e)mission (im)possible” project is a European project co-financed by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union, with A Sud – Ecologia e Cooperazione ONLUS as promoter entity and AIDGLOBALIroko – Desarrollo Forestal SostenibleBosque Y Comunidad, Fundazione EcossistemiUniversidad de Cádiz and Un Ponte Per as partners.