In AIDGLOBAL, Development Cooperation, Educators in Motion, Educators in Motion - Phase 2, 2024,

Meeting with people in charge of the children's education, in the 6 Little Community Schools of Chibuto

Between February 20 and 27, meetings were held with mothers, fathers, family members and caregivers of children attending the 6 Little Community Schools of Chibuto. In total, 114 people in charge of the children's education were present.

The sessions took place in the spaces of each of the Little Community Schools of the communities of Chiconelane (day 20), in Bairro 25 de Junho U4 (day 21), Maivene (day 22), Chaimite (day 23), in Bairro 25 de Junho U2 (day 26) and in Malehice (day 27), with the objective of discussing various issues related to the Early Childhood Education services provided in these communities, namely the sharing of the Schools' Operation Manual, the Activity Plan for the 2024 school year, the importance of the participation of mothers, fathers, family members and people in charge of the children's education in the day-to-day of the Little School and the cooperation of the Community in the process.

The Manager of the AIDGLOBAL Delegation, Castigo Tchume, together with the Project Technician, Jéssica Sitoe, carried out a balance of the payment of monthly fees, snacks and water and made known the total number of children registered, until the date on which each of the meetings was held.

Parents were made aware of the care to be taken with the health and nutrition of each child, encouraging them to adopt healthy eating behaviors with their children. They were informed that a review of the snack menu was carried out by a technician from the District Service of Health, Women and Social Action, taking into account the nutritional value of each food and the food products existing in the community.

This awareness also took into account the adoption and promotion of hygiene care, essential in the fight against worms and bacteria harmful to health, namely with regard to hand hygiene, careful presentation of children's nails, use of handkerchiefs, if they are cold, skin treatment with wounds and hair care, especially when girls and boys are braided, preventing them from getting too tight, since they can cause headaches, or too long, to avoid hair pulling, in their games.

During the meetings, the mothers, fathers, family members and caregivers of the children present reflected on the impact that the existence of the Little Community Schools has on the lives of each child and continuously reinforced the importance of the existence of this space for their well-being, congratulating the work developed and ensuring their contribution, in order to guarantee the longevity of the project in hand.

Educadores em Movimento – uma Educação Itinerante para a Primeira Infância, Phase 2” has as main funder the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, as promoter AIDGLOBAL, project manager, and as partners the District Service of Education, Youth and Technology of Chibuto (SDJET) and District Service of Health, Women and Social Action (SDSMAS) – entities that guarantee the articulation of the project with public policies.