On November 20, 2024, the District of Chibuto, in Mozambique, hosted the 4th Exchange of Animators/”Educators in Motion”, from phase 2 of the project “Educadores em Movimento – uma Educação Itinerante para a Primeira Infância”. The event, organized by AIDGLOBAL, brought together 21 Animators/ “Educators in Movement” from the six Community Schools in the region, for a day of sharing, reflection, and training, to strengthen pedagogical practices and improve the care provided to children.
The program included practical activities and group discussions, addressing crucial topics for the development of Escolinhas.
One of the most memorable moments was the simulation of essential care for children, which served as a tool to consolidate good practices. Another highlight was the debate on the
ideal position of Animators/“Educators in Movement” in the school environment, emphasizing the importance of teamwork and collaborative management.
The participants reflected on the challenges and successes of the 2024 academic year, identifying points for improvement and outlining strategies for 2025. Among the practical exercises carried out, the highlight was the simulation of filling out the
weekly minutes, an essential document for organizing and recording activities carried out.
The exchange had the following goals:
- Reflect on the pedagogical practices carried out throughout the 2024 academic year;
- Raise awareness among Animators/“Educators in Movement” about the importance of an inclusive approach, especially when dealing with children who present challenging behaviors;
- Prepare Animators/“Educators in Movement” to hold weekly monitoring and planning meetings, autonomously, in 2025;
- Plan activities for the period of school interruption.
Among the expected results, the strengthening of the capabilities of Animators/“Educators in Movement” stands out in areas such as group management, pedagogical organization and promotion of inclusive educational practices.
With an in-person program led by AIDGLOBAL technicians,
Jéssica Sitoe and Ledieta Bombe, the meeting provided participants with a space for collective learning and a moment of preparation for the next year's challenges.
During the meeting, a detailed plan for next year was developed, including strategies for:
- Mobilize communities and increase child enrollment;
- Ensure the organization and cleanliness of the Schools;
- Produce and carry out an inventory of teaching materials;
- Ensure the continuity of weekly meetings and pedagogical support, now with greater autonomy on the part of the Animators/”Educators in Motion”.
The Exchange reaffirmed its commitment to quality preschool education, even in settings with limited resources. The collaboration between Animators/”Educators in Motion”, local partners and AIDGLOBAL continues to be essential to transform Early Childhood Education in the Chibuto District.
The event was an integral part of the project
“Educators in Motion – an Itinerant Education for Early Childhood, Phase 2”, whose main financier is the
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, co-financed by Camões – Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua and promoted by AIDGLOBAL. It has a partnership with the
District Service for Education, Youth and Technology of Chibuto (SDJET) and the
District Service for Health, Women and Social Action (SDSMAS), which guarantee the articulation of the project with local public policies.