In Climate Change, Loures, AIDGLOBAL, Gender Justice, Climate Justice, Ecoality,

Loures teachers take part in training on Equity and Climate Action

Between October and December 2024, AIDGLOBAL organized four training courses for secondary and vocational school teachers in the municipality of Loures. The sessions, accredited as Short Term Actions (6 hours each) by the Loures Oriental Training Centre, were attended by 38 teachers from various schools in the municipality.

These initiatives were hosted by Sacavém Secondary School (between 15 and 17 October), José Afonso Secondary School (between 28 and 30 October), IPTrans (between 20 and 27 November) and Arco-Íris Secondary School (between 4 and 18 December).

The aim of the training sessions was to raise teachers' awareness of topics such as Climate Justice, Gender Equality and Globalization and Interdependencies, presenting innovative pedagogical proposals aimed at promoting active and participatory global citizenship among students.

AIDGLOBAL team led the sessions, sharing knowledge concerning the main themes of the project, presenting the educational resource ‘Caring for Our Planet: the ECOALITY Guide for Young People’ and organising activities that can be replicated in a school context. In the context of Education for Development and Global Education, the participants reflected on how they can associate the contents of the school curriculum with the themes of Equity and Climate Action.

These actions were part of the ‘Ecoality - Youth and Local Authorities Together for Climate and Gender Justice!’ project, co-funded by the European Commission and Camões - Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua, I.P., and implemented in Portugal by AIDGLOBAL and the Municipality of Loures.

Find out more about the ECOALITY project here.