The "(e)mission (im)possible" is a European project, co-funded by the European Union's Erasmus + programme, which aims to develop an innovative, lifelong learning pathway dedicated to climate neutrality skills in the Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid (DAC-HC) sectors. This project will result in the creation of a new profile - that of climate neutrality strategist - that will lead Climate Action within NGDOs.
The project activities will involve and reach participants and stakeholders not only from Italy, Spain and Portugal, but also from other regions of the world, namely Africa (Mozambique, Togo, Guinea-Bissau), Latin America (Venezuela, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador) and Middle East.
The current climate crisis demands immediate and drastic action. Through the European Green Deal, the European Union (EU) is leading among the most ambitious positions in terms of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission reduction targets internationally. In April 2021, a provisional agreement was reached on the EU Climate Act to oblige European countries to reduce net GHG emissions by at least 55% by 2030 and achieve climate neutrality by 2050 to avoid irreversible effects. This requires a collective effort from all sectors of the economy and society, including Non-Governmental Development OrganiZations.
MOOC (Massive Open Online Course): the MOOC, available in 5 different languages (English, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and French), consists of 6 hours of video lectures and additional reading on the main topics of Climate Action that will help current and future professionals to review the scientific, environmental, political, economic and human dimensions of Climate Change and to understand what international aid organisations can do to reduce their carbon footprint and present their positive effects on Climate Change mitigation and adaptation. The MOOC will be certified by a partner university;
Training programme and pilot actions on Climate Action: the project foresees the production of a toolkit on climate neutrality and a training scheme for practical application "on the job". The toolkit will include a climate impact calculation tool and a handbook on Climate Action strategy;
Webinars: 4 webinars will be organized to support networking and promote replicability of the project;
Multiplier Events: between 2022 and 2024, 6 events are planned in Madrid, Rome, Lisbon, Cadiz and Brussels to disseminate, share the results and activities of the project and strengthen networking among non-profit organizations, universities and institutions involved.
1st Resource | Climate Strategy Toolkit
The “Climate Strategy Toolkit”, , produced as part of the “(e)mission (im)possible” project, contains essential tools for calculating and reducing carbon emissions, contributing to the development of effective strategies for leading Climate Action in the NGDO sector. Annexes I and III are intended to be calculation tools, practical and indispensable support for Third Sector Organizations. The rest will help you implement a Climate Strategy in your organization.
To access the resources, click on the links below:
2nd Resource | Implementing a Climate Strategy - a Guide for the Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid Sector
The Resource “Implementing a Climate Strategy - a Guide for the Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid Sector”, was designed as a guide for replicating and adapting the Climate Action training proposals developed during the project.
As part of the European project “(e)mission (im)possible,” AIDGLOBAL and its partners have unveiled two innovative resources designed to transform the way Third Sector and Internat ...
The fifth and final International Coordination Meeting of the "(e)mission (im)possible" project was held in Lisbon on 6th and 7th June at the premises of the Portuguese Institute ...
On November 13, the Seminar "Developing Strategies to Address Climate Change" took place at the Lisbon Youth Center (CJL) of the Portuguese Institute of Sport and Youth, I.P. (IPDJ ...
Following the success of the first edition of the "(e)mission (im)possible" online course, and thanks to the feedback received, an improved second edition was launched on October 1 ...
Submission of applications between 20 and 26 April 2023. AIDGLOBAL is a Non-Governmental Development Organization (NGOD) whose mission is to Act, Include and Develop t ...
In March 2023, the first edition of the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Climate Action was concluded, under the project “(E)mission (Im)possible. Availab ...
Due to the climate inaction that is leading us to an average global temperature rise of +2.7 degrees by the end of the century, the climate emergency requires immediate action to ...
On September 22nd, we concluded our event, "(e)mission (im)possible: Supporting the protagonism of international cooperation and the third sector in the fight against climate cha ...
The second kick-off meeting of the European project "(e)mission (im)possible" was held between the 16th and 17th of May, in Madrid, in which the representatives of the partner en ...